Understanding business culture and etiquette is crucial to our operations. We are well-equipped to serve as your representatives or to engage directly with you in business negotiations.

წამყვანი საწარმოების მოძიება-დაკავშირება
Finding-connecting leading enterprises

A specific Chinese company that you want to do business with, but don't know how to contact and/or get the attention you need.

იურიდიული მომსახურების ორგანიზება
Organizing legal services

We help to guide you through all stages of solving legal problems. As well as helping you to complete the transaction in accordance with Chinese law, so that your interests are fully protected.

ვიზიტი ან რეგისტრაცია გამოფენებზე
Visit or register for exhibitions

We offer professional event management services for various types of events. Services: corporate and public events, exhibitions, conferences and meetings.

საქმიანი ვიზიტის, შეხვედრის ორგანიზება და დაგეგმარება
Organizing and planning a business meetings and visits

The Chinese culture and business practices are not typical. When starting or expanding your business in China, understanding the local customs of Chinese business etiquette and organizing accordingly is critical to your success.


To act as your representatives or to conduct business negotiations directly with you.

საჭირო კვლევების ჩატარება
Conduct the necessary research

Provides China market research services using both qualitative and quantitative methods across a wide range of industries. Our team provides customized, on-demand market research in China, with research designs and flexible engagement models.

ბიზნესის წამოწყება ჩინეთში
Starting a business in China

Company registration, management and administration services for investors who want to start/develop a business in China. We help businesses obtain special licenses and necessary permits, complying with all relevant laws and regulations